The Trio is a Sabah-based musical group comprised of visually impaired students, led by their music teacher, Mr. Stefanus Lucas. The group specializes in traditional Sabah musical instruments and has achieved significant success in various international competitions. The Trio's achievements and unique approach to traditional music performance have earned them recognition and praise within the international music community.
Silver Diploma VIII World Cup of Folkloreâ„¢ Veliko Tarnovo 2023
First Prize International Online Festival-Competition "Mexican carnival" 2023
First Prize International Online Festival-Competition "Paints of Israel sun" 2023
Silver Diploma XIV European Championship of Folklore "Euro folk 2022"
Silver Diploma Folklore Festival-Contest "Asia Folk 2022"
Silver Diploma VII World Cup of Folkloreâ„¢ Veliko Tarnovo 2022
Silver Diploma XI World Championship of Folklore "World folk 2021"
Frist Prize at the USA World Music International Competition held in July 2021 by IYMC
John Paul Paulus
Putra Ahmad Naim Bin Mohd. Masri
Kimberly Lo Jing Wei